Energizing Water through Static Storage: Integrated Research and Development of Storage Containers

Johansson Ba,* and Capjon Jb

aAkloma Bioscience AB, Medeon Science Park, 212 05 Malmö, Sweden
bUniversity of South-Eastern Norway, 31184 Borre, Norway
*Corresponding author: Email: [email protected]

Keywords: carafe, projective geometry, coherent water, reduction in IR emission, fractal scaling, long-range correlation, self-regulation, plasmonic waves, quantum electrodynamics

Submitted: March 14, 2023
Reviewed: October 19, 2023
Accepted: November 2, 2023
Published: February 26, 2024

DOI: 10.14294/WATER.2023.5



This study shows that still water contained in a projective geometry (PG)-designed carafe oscillates in tune with a self-trapped electromagnetic field of resonant stationary waves to which some coherent configurations are associated, well defined at specific coherent frequencies. The resonant coherent oscillations produce an ensemble of quasi-free, high-grade, and low-entropy energy electrons, able to collect and transmit incident light in the visible and low near-infrared light spectrum (LNIR). The frequencies of transfer and informational waves become ever smaller as coherent molecular size increases, with a breakthrough in the LNIR range above 650 nm, increasing formation of a fractal set of coherent low-density water clusters. The fluctuation of local structures of high- and low-density water shifted from a dominance of the high-density liquid (80%) in ordinary water toward a low-density balance of 60% in carafe-contained water. This is confirmed by the change in low-density water chemistry, i.e., from the fractal scaling boundary of change and decline in thermal infrared (IR) emission aligned with structural conformity, with the donated electrons causing a reduction in oxidation-reduction potential, and extracted quasi-free electrons captured by oxygen molecules, forming hydroxyl-ions followed by an increase in pH. It has been postulated that the glassiness of water is geometrically associated with a tetrahedral low-density water structure, which is observed in tetrahedral amorphous silica. In contrast, high-density water lacks tetrahedral symmetry. Governed by the rise in low-density water clusters, the highly coherent interaction between the tetrahedral configuration and fractal ordering of the PG glass carafe and the contiguous aqueous phase increases its bioenergy and bioavailability, with a plausible biophilic interconnective potential.

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