Domains Formation Mediated by Electromagnetic Fields in Very Dilute Aqueous Solutions: 3. Quantum Electrodynamic Analyses of Experimental Data on Solutions of Weak Electrolytes and Non-electrolytes
Yinnon TA1*, Liu ZQ2
1 K. Kalia, D.N. Kikar Jordan 90666, Israel
2 Department of Physics Qufu Normal University, Qufu, 273165, China
*Correspondence E-mail: [email protected]
Key Words: Water aggregates; molecular associates; domains; ferroelectric orderings; polar liquid solutions; ultra dilute solutions; serial diluted solutions; biological active liquids.
Received Jan 15th 2015; Revised June 4th; Accepted June 30th; Published Nov 15th; Available online Nov 27th, 2015
Molecular associates in very dilute solutions of weak electrolytes or non-electrolytes kept at ambient conditions are studied. Ambient electromagnetic fields affect some of the associates’ types. For concentrations (C) in the range of about 10-7 – 10-20 M, the associates were observed only for solutions with polar solvents, e.g., water, chloroform. At such very low C, sizes of these associates reaching tens of micrometers imply that these mainly are composed of solvent molecules. Some associates’ properties are correlated with the bioactivity of the solutions. As discussed in our two preceding publications in this journal’s issue, electromagnetic fields affecting associates entail electrodynamic forces have to be explicitly described. We employ a quantum electrodynamic model for analyzing experimental data pertaining to the associates’ properties and their impact on the solutions physicochemical characteristics. Our analyses show that associates mediated by electromagnetic fields have the typical characteristics predicted by the model. Our analyses clarifies the prerequisites of polar solvents, serial dilutions and vigorous shaking after each dilution step for stabilizing associates in solutions with C below about 10-7 M. Our analyses provide clues for the domains impact on bio-systems.