Deactivation of Radiation from Radioactive Materials Contaminated in a Nuclear Power Plant Accident

Sugihara S1,2*

1Kanagawa University, Yokohama, 221-8686, Japan

Sugihara Institute of Science and Technology, Yokohama, 236-0046, Japan 

*Correspondence E-mail: [email protected]  

Key Words: Half-life, Radioactive decontamination, Cesium nucleus, Stable elements, The long-wavelength synthesis, Active water

Received April 16th, 2013; Accepted September 24th, 2013; Published October 27th, 2013; Available online November 15th, 2013

doi: 10.14294/WATER.2013.8



Many methods for reducing radioactive contamination have been proposed, most of which rely on the use of materials such as zeolites or plants to adsorb radionuclides. In such processes, the absorbents become radioactive and require subsequent disposal, usually by long-term burial. Deactivation of the radionuclides would constitute a far superior solution to the problem of radioactive contamination. A method is described for deactivating radionuclides independently of their half-lives. The theory underlying the method encompasses two ideas: the interaction of photons from radioactive cesium with Infotons (hypothetical particles generated by specially processed water with a certain energy) and the application of group theory to Infotons to show that stable elements can be generated from radioactive cesium. In a six-month trial on samples of contaminated soil, we confirmed that measured levels of radioactivity (β- and γ-rays) were reduced by treatment with processed water containing Infotons. The radioactivity of the contaminated soils was reduced by 60% after 42 hours of treatment, and this reduction persisted during six months. Another specimen of soil showed a 90% reduction in radioactivity after six months. Furthermore, analyses by inductively coupled plasma/mass spectrometry and X-ray fluorescence analysis showed that the treated soils and their extracts contained barium, lanthanum, and cerium ions in amounts that corresponded closely to those predicted by the theory.

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