
The Quantum Nature of Biological Intelligence

Manzalini A1, Galeazzi B1

1Project on Foundations of Consciousness and Physics (PFCP), Integrative Medicine Clinic, Via G. Volpato, 45, ZIP-CODE: 36061 Bassano del Grappa, VI, Italy.

Authors’ emails:
Manzalini A ([email protected]); Galeazzi B ([email protected])

Keywords: quantum field theory, raman spectroscopy, biological intelligence, Nambu Goldstone bosons, quantum coherence.

Received: July 28, 2021
Revised: February 7, 2022
Accepted: March 4, 2022
Published: April 25, 2022




Living organisms can be considered open systems, operating far from thermodynamic equilibrium – and creating, storing and exchanging energy, matter, and information with the environment. Overall, through these capabilities, living organisms pursue continuous self-adaptation to environmental changes, which is the expression of Biological Intelligence (BI). This paper argues that self-adaptation, and, in general, BI, is based on symmetry breaking (SB) phenomena that are well explained by an extension of the principles of quantum field theory/quantum electrodynamics (QFT/QED) and Gauge frameworks. SBs would be responsible for the emergence of multi-level coherence in living organisms, in terms of balanced competition between Gauge and Nambu Goldstone (NG)  bosons. This balanced competition of bosonic fields, across all organisms, would allow the coupling with the environment up to the quantum level. Leveraging on the fact that more than 70% of the body is made up of water, the paper proposes a practical method, based on Raman spectra measures in water, for detecting NG boson condensations responsible for ordering information, coherence and memory storage in living matter.

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