Sulfate’s Critical Role for Maintaining Exclusion Zone Water: Dietary Factors Leading to Deficiencies

Seneff S1*, Nigh G2

1Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT Cambridge MA 02139, USA; [email protected]

2Naturopathic Oncology, Immersion Health, Portland, OR 97214, USA; [email protected]

*Correspondence: Stephanie Seneff [email protected]

Keywords: Structured water; sulfate; exclusion zone; cobalamin; eNOS; glyphosate; metformin; vegan diet

Submitted: June 21, 2019; Revised: September 30, 2019; Accepted: October 22, 2019; Published: December 18, 2019; Available Online: December 18, 2019

DOI: 10.14294/WATER.2019.5



Biological water exists in at least two distinct forms: bulk and interfacial. While the former possesses widely understood properties, little has been written about the formation, maintenance, and functional role of interfacial water in living systems. In this paper we equate interfacial water with Exclusion Zone (EZ) water described by Pollack and propose that it is the sulfate molecule that plays a fundamental role in providing the interfacial negative charge that builds and maintains the EZ in biological systems. We further propose novel roles for endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), erythrocytes, and cobalamin in sulfate production and ongoing regulation. Two exogenous agents, the diabetes drug metformin and the herbicide glyphosate, and one lifestyle factor, vegetarianism/veganism, can contribute to reduced sulfate production and subsequent loss of EZ water. A set of compensatory changes in the body, often normally considered to be discrete pathologies, serve to reestablish adequate sulfate supply in the face of these and other detrimental impacts on sulfate production. Finally, we review additional pathologies associated with cobalamin deficiency and suggest that they, too, can be linked to the restoration of sulfate metabolism.

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