Allometric Scaling Behaviour – A Quantum Dissipative State Implies a Reduction in Thermal Infrared Emission and Fractal Ordering in Distilled Coherent Water

Johansson B1*, Sukhotskaya S1

1 Akloma Bioscience AB, Medeon Science Park, 212 05 Malmö, Sweden
* Correspondence: E-mail: [email protected]

Key Words: Water ordering; Reduction in IR emission; Fractal scaling; Long-range correlation; Self-regulation

Received July 24, 2011; Accepted October 17, 2011; Published January 22, 2012; Available online February 22,2012

doi: 10.14294/WATER.2011.9



According to classical theory, the impact of various hydrophilic surfaces on the contiguous aqueous phase extends from a few water-molecular layers to several hundreds of microns. Our studies support evidence that irradiation by low entropy sunlight expands the ordered water state comprising the entire bulk volume of liquid water, irrespective of a polar or non-polar surface state. Thermal IR imaging as well as measurement of allometric scaling behavior and redox-potential identified physically distinct concentric and condensed temperature gradient zones with long-term consistency, aligned as a structural coherence that implies a considerably decreased mobile water state. A strong power law relationship in the fractal scaling boundary revealed that fractal scaling geometry is part of water ordering and that thermal IR flickering relates on a long-range correlation between water molecules.

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