pdf_iconThe Study of Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone Effect in a Wide Concentration Range on the Aquifer System by IR-Spectroscopy Method

Zhernovkov, VE1; Roshchina, IA2; Zubareva, GM2; Shmatov, GP3; Lokshin, BV4; Palmina, NP1,*

1 N.M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences 4 Kosygin Street, 119991 Moscow, Russia
2 Tver State Medical Academy, Department of General and Bioorganic Chemistry 4 Sovetskaya Street, 170642 Tver, Russia
3 Tver State Technical University, Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics 22 Haberezhnaya Afahaciya Nikitina, 170026 Tver, Russia
4 A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences 28 Vavilov Street, GSP-1, 119991 Moscow, Russia
* Correspondence: Tel.: 7 (495) 939 73 51; Fax.: 7 (495) 137-41-01; E-mail: [email protected]

Key Words: thyrotropin-releasing hormone, super low doses, water structure, IR-spectroscopy

Received 8 December 2009; revised 25 March; accepted 11 April. Published 30 April 2010; available online 30 April 2010.

doi: 10.14294/WATER.2010.4



The effect of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) in a broad concentration range (10-20 to 10-2 М) on water transmittance index was studied by the method of infrared spectroscopy in the middle-IR range. It is indicated that high TRH concentrations induce the highest impact on transmittance, and a statistically significant maximum at TRH concentration of 10-16 M is observed. Hence, high concentrations cause no effect on IR-spectrum fluctuations, whereas the TRH low concentration range (about 10-16 M) is characterized by a strong dispersion increase (almost twice as much as the control) for the mean transmittance of IR radiation. It is concluded that different TRH concentrations, including super low ones, change the aquifer system state causing formation of new types of clusters, whose impacts on transmittances are rather high.

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