Domains of Water Molecules Provide Mechanisms
of Potentization in Homeopathy
Czerlinski G1,*, Ypma T2
Key Words: water clusters, kinetics, high potency, mechano-chemical effect, radicals
Received 29 June 2009; revised 15 October; accepted 24 November. Published 21 January 2010; available online 21 January 2010.
In homeopathy, high potentization means such high dilution that there is no longer even one molecule of the original active agent per gram of the mixture. Nevertheless such high dilutions apparently remain effective. We develop a possible mechanism for homeopathic potentization to explain this phenomenon. This mechanism consists of three consecutive processes: initiation, multiplication, and amplification. Initiation is the mechano-chemical generation, by strong shaking following each dilution step, of radicals which remain in existence by mutual stabilization in simultaneously formed electronic domains. Multiplication transfers electronic excitation level structures from the original homeopathic agent to these radical-containing domains, stabilizing them further. These stabilized domains participate in the multiplication process until all the domains contain the critical information. Amplification is the generation of the same number of information-containing domains as existed prior to dilution. This amplification step can be repeated any number of times, with the original agent eventually diluted to negligible levels but the information-containing component regenerated to the same concentration in each step. In our first model we assume each domain is contained in a separate water cluster. In an alternative mechanism we consider two domains contained within one water cluster, altering the initiation process. The equations derived from these mechanisms are linked to observables (indicators) and may be used to obtain precise numbers for rate constants and concentrations from future experiments, some of which are outlined.