Welcome to WATER

A multidisciplinary journal that brings together water-oriented research from diverse disciplines.

Water plays pivotal roles throughout nature. As Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, the father of modern biochemistry, famously stated: “Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.”

Szent-Gyorgyi was certainly on target. Yet, until recently, no single venue has existed in which the wisdom gained in studying water within one discipline was readily available to those studying water within other disciplines. WATER remedies that problem. Our journal serves as a communication hub among diverse disciplines dealing with water. We aspire toward collective learning.

WATER publishes original research papers, reviews, and tutorials on advances made within the journal’s scope, all in this single, easily accessible, and hopefully stimulating forum.

We thank you for your interest, and welcome your contribution.

Best wishes,

Gerald H. Pollack, Ph.D

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